The Weavers Way, Navajo Profiles

The Weavers Way, Navajo Profiles

Hopi Wicker Plaques and Baskets by Rhodes

Hopi Wicker Plaques and Baskets by Rhodes

Turquoise Jewelry by Nancy Schiffer

This newly revised and expanded edition displays a wide variety of Southwest Indian-made jewelry which features the many different colors and types of turquoise, depending on their origins. The turquoise mines in Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, and New Mexico are discussed with characteristics of the turquoise found there. Beautiful color photographs show hundreds of examples of Southwest Indian jewelry, dating back over a hundred years and up to the present, with innovative designs. Men's, as well as women's, jewelry is shown to display the many colors and textures of turquoise in belts, bracelets, bolo ties, necklaces, and special pieces of particular beauty.