Navajo Rugs The Essential Guide by Don Dedera

Navajo Rugs The Essential Guide by Don Dedera

Home: Native People in the Southwest (Hard Cover)

Home: Native People in the Southwest (Hard Cover)

Southwest Silver Jewelry by Paula A. Baxter

Southwest Silver Jewelry by Paula A. Baxter.

"This beautiful book examines the first century of Navajo and Puleblo metal jewelry-making in the American Southwest. Beginning in the late 1860s, the region's native peoples learned metalworking and became accomplished silversmiths. Their work was united with a long-standing native tradition of beads and ornaments made from turquoise and other natural materials. The cross-cultural appeal of this jewelry continued into the mid- 1900s, despite competition from tourist jewelry and mass-produced imitations. By the 1950s and 1960s, masters such as innovators Kenneth Begay and Charles Loloma created a legacy of fine art jewelry that is prized today. This development is disucssed in the context of social changes and adaptations over the century. A values reference guide is also provided."Southwest Silver Jewelry