Turquoise Unearthed: An Illustrated Guide by Joe Lowry

Turquoise Unearthed: An Illustrated Guide by Joe Lowry

Hopi Kachina Tradition by Alph Secakuku

Hopi Kachina Tradition by Alph Secakuku

Navajo Saddle Blankets, edited by Lane Coulter

Navajo Saddle Blankets: Textiles to Ride in the American West, edited by Lane Coulter "Navajo saddle blankets are among the most under appreciated art forms in the American Southwest, the Cinderella of Navajo textiles. Both maker and user generally have seen them as utilitarian objects to be worn out and discarded. As a result, we do not adequately appreciate them as an art form within the Navajo weaving tradition." Black and white historical photographs/ full color rug photos. Soft cover, 144 pages